The world has had to transition from automation
of paper-based specific tasks to digitization ( automating back-office operations
of organizations, government and private), to digitalization (digital information
sharing and communication). This transition phase required end-user computer
literacy mostly in the use of operating systems such as Windows and application
software such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as technical education with
respect to hardware and software engineering.
We are now moving to another phase, from
digitalization to digital transformation of the world where governments,
businesses and citizens are transforming their lives, models and strategies,
unto the digital platform as the new world. The old traditional order has
therefore permanently given way to a total paradigm shift of living, which
requires more than computer literacy as we have known it, to the development of
digital intelligence.
The future is the digital world
and Ghana as a country must have a planned system that will deliberately
transition and plug in her citizens, especially the youth, into this new global
digital economy as e-Ghanaians. Of course, it is obvious we have missed out on
the industrial revolution with all our excuses, but we really have no excuse to
miss out on this digital revolution. We all are starting from ground zero and
it will be a pity if this generation is not visionary enough to create the
enabling environment for the generations yet unborn, the e-Ghanaian, to have a
head start in the global digitized environment they will be born into.
Learning in Ghana, knowledge acquisition, was
reciting multiplication tables, drawing and labelling, tilapia and amoeba in
biology, drawing and labelling stalagmites and stalactites in geography,
reproducing word for word what Julius Caesar said to Brutus in literature,
defining electricity in physics, defining demand and supply in economics,
defining matter and osmosis in chemistry. Now we can define just about anything,
but do not know what to do with it. We are lacking practical and creative
intelligence needed to adapt the academic “chew and pour” knowledge, to solve
contemporary challenges of our time. We may be a failed generation but we
cannot do that to the next generation, the e-Ghanaian, in the next digital
This article is to highlight the
fact that there is the need to totally change and disrupt our present model of computer-related
knowledge based on the ad-hoc, disjointed, incremental learnings in different
aspects of information and communications technologies we call computer
literacy. We need to quantum leap and transform to a more integrated, holistic,
value chained and strategic model that will create the digital Ghanaian, equipped
with the requisite intelligence (analytical, practical and creative) to
navigate, survive and take advantage of the digital revolution.
I would differentiate what it means to be computer literate from digital intelligence, introduce the framework for developing digital intelligence by the DQ Institute, and give the way forward with respect to how the framework can be adopted and adapted into the Ghanaian learning system for job creation.
Literacy is the knowledge of a particular subject,
or a particular type of knowledge (Cambridge Dictionary).
Computer literacy by
extension is having knowledge of computers, and what they are. How they work
and what they are used for? We therefore teach the components of the computer
system concerning hardware and what they are used for. We teach how computers
work and communicate, language, by way of software programming and how they are
used by way of applications, Word, Excel, E-mail among others.
Also, according to David (2010), digital literacy
is the ability to communicate or find information on digital platforms. This is
moving us a step higher from computer literacy and closer to the new digital
environment which is okay but not an accomplishment. It is like knowing how to
use a dictionary.
United Nations … (UNESCO)
Institute of Statistics (2018) also defined digital literacy as “the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate,
communicate, evaluate and create information safely and appropriately through
digital technologies for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship”. The
operative words in this definition are the ability to create employment, decent
jobs and entrepreneurship but to do that it requires the intelligence of creativity,
innovation, practical problem solving and critical thinking. Mastery of the
capabilities and limitations of digital technologies and what to do with them, not
just how to use them which goes beyond digital literacy into digital
intelligence. Being computer literate is therefore different from digital
literacy. Computer literacy is a means to digital literacy which is the bedrock
of achieving digital intelligence.
This knowledge,
computer and digital literacies, are necessary in the continuum of creating the
e-Ghanaian but not sufficient. You can use Word and Excel so what? You know how
to write programs so what? You know the components of a computer system so
what? You can send an e-mail so what? You
can find information on the digital platform and so what? I can now use
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do all that. How useful are you now?
“When we teach only for facts (specifics)… rather than for how
to go beyond facts, we teach students how to get out of date” (Sternberg, 2008). This for me
summarizes the computer and digital literacy model we have been using all this
while which will soon get the Ghanaian youth out of date the same way as this generation
using the “chew and pour” model is out of date and cannot solve present-day
Computer literacy as
we know now will be a given, like we use the pen to write. Today using the pen
is not a competence and so will computer literacy be. What is needed is what
differentiates us from machines and makes us human, the intuitive, creative and
imaginative soft side of the brain, right brain. As for the logical,
analytical, quantitative hard side of the brain, left brain, it has been
declared redundant and we cannot continue to develop it to be relying on it. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) has taken over and will get worse with its e-descendants yet
The times that humans had to find a way for machines and technology to make life easy for humans are over. Now as humans, we need to justify our inclusion in the future of the life of machines and technology by making ourselves relevant. It will require developing our digital intelligence and not just computer literacy.
Intelligence according to Wechsler (1958) is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act
purposively, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.
A combination of many mental processes directed
toward effective adaptation to the environment (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2006).
Stenberg, 1988 identified
3 types of intelligence, practical
intelligence which is being street smart and common sense, with the ability
to find solutions that
work in your everyday life by applying knowledge based on your experiences; creative
intelligence which is imaginative and problem-solving with respect to the
ability to finding
a novel solution to an unexpected problem; and analytical
intelligence that is academic problem solving and computation of the
ability to analyze, evaluate,
judge, compare, and contrast.
Digital Intelligence I would then say is the practical
(digital smartness), creative (digital innovation and problem solving) and
analytical (digital analytics and judgment) intelligence in the digital world
as adopted from Stenberg,
1988 as well as the aggregate capacity of the individual to act
purposively, to think rationally, to adapt and deal effectively with the
digital environment as adopted from Wechsler
Dr. Yuhyun Park in 2016 coined the term Digital Intelligence
Quotient (DQ) to determine the level of digital maturity, competences, readiness,
one has acquired to be able use, control and create technology to advance
humanity. Since competencies can be developed DQ like any other competence,
Emotional (EQ) or Intellectual IQ) can also be developed. The DQ Institute then
developed a Digital Intelligence Framework that can be used to improve this DQ.
The Digital Intelligence Framework is a global comprehensive
digital literacy, digital skills, digital understanding, and digital knowledge
needed to live a digital life. This can be adopted and adapted by nations that
want to have a planned systematic way in making their citizens digitally
intelligent and ready.
It has three levels of
maturity or competence levels that cover eight thematic areas. The level 1 competence level is designed to
make one a Digital Citizen with the ability
to use digital technology in safe, responsible
and ethical ways. Level 2 competence
level develops Digital Creativity
and designed to make one become part of the digital ecosystem and to create new
knowledge, technologies and content to turn ideas into reality. The final competence level 3 is for Digital Competitiveness, where one
develops the ability to solve global challenges, and to create new
opportunities in the digital economy by driving entrepreneurship, jobs, growth
and impact.
The thematic areas with their guiding
principles are Digital identity (Guiding
Principle: Respect for oneself,); Digital rights (Guiding Principle: Respect for rights); Digital
literacy (Guiding Principle: Respect
for knowledge); Digital use (Guiding Principle: Respect
for time and the environment); Digital communication(Guiding Principle: Respect for reputation and relationships); Digital
safety(Guiding Principle: Respect
for life); Digital emotional intelligence(Guiding
Principle: Respect for others) and Digital security (Guiding Principle: Respect for property).
The framework therefore
covers the technical, cognitive as well as the socio-emotional competencies
needed for the digital world. What we
need to add for our purpose of job creation is innovation, critical thinking
and problem-solving methodologies.
Our form of literacy
since independence has not helped Ghana as a country in the traditional,
off-line world. If we continue by transferring that same off-line model by way
of just computer literacy, we will remain a developing e-economy too in this new
digital world. It will be like a new world has been created by God and yet we
are lagging behind. We would end up being e-slaves, blame the western world and
go looking for e-repatriation. We need a learning system that will develop not
only analytical intelligence as we always have done, but practical and creative
digital intelligence as well. Our typical intelligence model is depicted in our
annual Ghana national maths and science quiz contest where we have to pour out
what we have memorized and solve scientific questions by calculations. This
model has been taken over by scientific calculators and software not talking of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) so the brain can be developed to be creative and
innovate to solve practical problems affecting humanity with the knowledge
We should not forget
the future of work for the e-Ghanaian will not be physically localised but will
be remote, virtual with job sharing and anchored on innovation, creativity,
imagination and problem solving using digital technologies as the tool. This
has already started with some of the current e-youth remotely working for blue
chip American companies.
The least we can do
is put in place the needed systems, infrastructure, end-to-end learning models
from cradle to grave based on the Digital Intelligence framework to make the
next generation digitally intelligent. This will call for political will,
leadership and thinking not outside the box but without a box since there is no
box with this new world with the only limitation being the extent of one’s
imagination and creativity. Just as Nkrumah envisioned an industrialised Ghana
and started putting in place the needed educational systems, infrastructure to
support Ghana’s leap into industrialization which we have not been able to
actualize for whatever reason, we need a sort of `e-Nkrumah` leadership to envision
a digitalised Ghana and not this adhoc, standalone digitalization thing we seem
to be proud of.
The Digital
Intelligence framework will have to be incorporated as part of our curriculum.
Like we used to have General Paper (GP) in A’level (old school). Who came to
change that anyway? No matter the area of study, science or arts, we all did GP
for which a pass was needed. You could get all As in your core subjects but if
u failed GP you had to write that paper again to gain admission into any higher
learning institution. This is what we need to do with the Digital Intelligence
framework starting from nursery, primary, secondary (old school) and tertiary.
One needs to pass the relevant paper(s) related to that level of education as
an indication of proficiency. Once you finish primary school for example, we
know your level of digital intelligence and it is built on as you progress.
There are two ways of
doing this. The first I will call the lateral
approach. This is to inculcate at each stage of our educational system, modules
with the 3 competence levels (Digital citizenship, Digital creativity, Digital
competitiveness) cutting across a bit of all the eight thematic areas. For example,
at the primary level one does a bit of Digital identity, Digital rights,
Digital literacy, Digital use, Digital communication, Digital emotional
intelligence, Digital safety and Digital security. This will make sure that
should anyone fall out of the system up the educational ladder, they would have
some level of competency in all areas. As one moves up the educational ladder,
the competency levels in that thematic area is enhanced. The second option, the
vertical approach, is for example
limit Digital identity and rights to up to primary
level; Digital literacy, use and communication to secondary
level; and Digital emotional intelligence and security at the tertiary level. This will allow and make
it easy for one to gauge the level of digital intelligence acquired by a person
who has for example completed primary school. It will also make it easy for
employers to state the level of digital competence needed for a particular
vacancy or job opening and people to undertake short courses later in life to
enhance their digital intelligence should they not climb up the formal
educational ladder or lack that competency.
There will also be
the need to put in place a National
Digital Intelligence Learning Platform (NDILP) for non-formal education.
This will have all the learning modules for those not in formal education, be a
transition for those who have missed out in this new era to bridge the gap, as
well as an opportunity for those who do not progress for whatever reason in the
formal educational system to self- develop or enhance their digital
intelligence. It will also be an opportunity for adult education. This NDILP, a
modular e-learning platform, will take one through the various learnings and a multiple-choice
test based on the learnings has to be passed at the end of each module with an
e-certificate of proficiency being issued instantly.
By adopting and
adapting the DQ Institute’s Digital Intelligence Framework into our learning system
(deliberately avoiding the use of educational system), and lacing it with
critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and innovation methodologies, we
will be able to create the future e-entrepreneurial Ghanaian capable of
anticipating and innovatively solving business challenges with digital
technologies whilst creating jobs.
Computer literacy is
a necessary but not sufficient learning to make the e-Ghanaian youth
competitive in the digital world. Digital intelligence that incorporates
computer literacy and goes beyond into practical and creative intelligence laced
with critical thinking and innovation will create more e-entrepreneurs, allow
the e-Ghanaian to creatively solve societal problems using digital technologies
in whatever endeavour they find themselves.
The “Baby Boomers and
Generation X” political class that have been running the country are a spent
force with respect to solving our present-day off-line challenges, the known,
let alone understand what it takes to position the “iGeneration or Zoomers” e-Ghanaian
youth into the digital world, the unknown. As Baby Boomers see digitalization,
the beginning of e-civilization as an end in itself and making so much noise
about it, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has just come in to blow our mind.
Digital Intelligence will transcend this constitutional 4 years, 4
years’ short-term thinking in whatever system we put in place. We need to have
a consensus on a national digital strategic plan developed, championed and
owned by the youth with input by all stakeholders. The youth should
collectively then hold any government accountable to that blueprint in terms of
execution of those deliverables within the timeframe that the government is in
What this present
generation is doing, that we are calling digitalization is just automation of
the old order and transferring things online as we know it in the traditional
world. Nothing disruptive of the old order or futuristic. Let us help create
the future digital Ghana we want, 50-100 years from today with digital
intelligence as the bedrock for job creation.
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